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From the Desk of the Director
Education Resource Centre is created to promote Higher Secondary and Secondary educational activities
of Jamshedpur Province. St. Ignatius and his companions understood the apostolic potential of education
in forming the character of individuals. Realizing the immense potential of secondary education,
Jamshedpur Province has invested a large percentage of its human and material resources to secondary
education. The ERC focuses to equip the human resources to face the challenges of today such as digital
culture, ecological crisis, growing inequality and polarization based on religion or ethnicity.
ERC takes at most care to collaborate with others who are engaged in the field of education. ERC believes
that our schools should be spaces for educational investigation, true laboratories in innovation and should
impart social and emotional skills such as empathy, perseverance and grit, team leadership and
communication. National Education Policy asks us to make education experiential, holistic, discovery
oriented, learner centered, discussion based and flexible. It advises us to move towards less content and
more towards learning how to think critically and learning skills how to solve problems, how to be creative
and multidisciplinary.
Jesuits are called to be companions in a mission of universal reconciliation and justice. Service of
reconciliation means building bridges to allow for dialogue. In the emerging context of violence,
intolerance and hatred within our country and the world, ERC is committed to create an environment of
harmony and peace in the country and work towards global citizenship
It is our genuine hope that the Centre will become an instrument to create a better world where there
is peace, love and tolerance.
With regards,
Yours sincerely
Fr.Kuruvilla V S.J